2012년 11월 2일 금요일

Temple stay: for your peace of mind by San-ha Lee

Temple stay is well-known in Korea society. It becomes famous among the people who want to escape from reality, seeking for some peace in their mind. There are 16 temple stay programs for foreign tourists too. In survey, researchers found that more than 70 percent of its participants are non-Buddhist, and therefore the popularity of the temple stay increases more. The monks in the temple usually do not teach about Buddhism. They just talk about the method of how to relieve your mind and it is the main difference between Korea's temple stay program and Japanese.
The purpose of this program is not only finding peace in people's mind, but also actualizing cultural movement by experiencing monks' lives. In this program you can feel the nature in the law and eat properly for not having avarice. Buddhist ceremony, talking with the monks and mediation will make you feel better.

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