2012년 11월 29일 목요일

Does snow fall in Korea in winter?

Hello everyoneJ It’s the last day of November (in Korea). Now, the real winter comes! Before start, I want to ask you a question. Snow does fall in Korea in winter. Do you think it is true or false? Actually it’s true! Today, I want to tell you about Korea’s winter.

It snows in Korea!

First, let's have a look at Korea's winter pictures.

You can find out that snow comes in Korea.
By using snow, we enjoy winter sports such as skiing.
Some people love snow, but some don't because it can make traffic jam and car accidents more than usual.


Is it cold in winter of Korea?

Of course it is!
-2.4℃ is the average degree in Korea in winter.
So, people wear thick coats and boots.
Also, it's not hard to find people wearing gloves and scarfs.



Foods that are popular in Winter

People wants to eat hot foods in winter.
Have you ever heard Bungeobbang?
It a fish shaped bread with red beans in it.
It's really delicious and very cheap.
You can have 3-6 of them with 1 dollar.
Also, fish cake with hot soup is really popular, too.
It really makes us warm cause the soup is really hot!
This one is very cheap, too.
You can get 2 of them with 1 dollar.
For the last, I want to introduce roasted sweet potatoes.
They are sweet and hot.
These days, it got harder than before to find a person selling roasted weet potatoes.
However, many people like them.
It makes your hands get really warm, too.
Was it interesting?
Next time, I'll prepare for a lot more interesting and amazing topic.
See you and have a nice day!

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