2012년 11월 29일 목요일

Introduce Korean Celebrities !

Hi~ I'm Stephanie. Do you know Kim Yu - na ? or or Lyu Jae Seok?
I want to talk about Korean Celebrities. It is very interesting. They have the courage to try again and a lot of passion about their job. It is very awesome. And They 
have many good traits we can take on.
From Now On, I will introduce Korean Celebrities. Listen Carefully! :)

1. Kim Yu - Na 

Thep person I am going to introduce is figure skater Yuna Kim.
She was born in March 1990 in Gyeonggi-do, Seoul.
Now, she is the best figure skater in the world who deserves to be called a figure skating queen for her outstanding perofrmance despite unfavorable circumstances..
She owes what she is today to her mother who helped her battle her way to the world sports arena. It was when she was seven years old that she first began skating.
She reportedly decided to be with her daughter wherever she was, when she saw Yuna, a 7-year-old, so eager to follow what figure skaters on video were doing. Yuna looked so eager for her age seven.  It was not so easy to foster a figure skater in Korea where the word figure sjkating was not familiar to Koreans Tightening their belt to put away moeny for skating lesson fees and rink rental charges, her mother braced herself for difficulties, But Yuna and her mother had to face so many hurdles ahead. Trying to overcome each obstacle coming their way, they made a step forward again.  
Finally that led them to what they are today.
Yuna's being loved by all Koreans is ascriable to such efforts.
She is another figure skatiing queen on many TV programs and TV commercials as well. 
And also news about her clothes and makeup she wore is one of the most frequently cited articles while she is a lady of all men's dreams. 
And some time ago, she was a part of the Bidding Committee of Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games, playing a very important role in impressing each IOC members. 
Now she is a national treasure, being called Queen of Pyeongchang, and Lady of Durban, as well as a Figure Skating Queen and Queen of Commercials.

2. Lyu Jae Seok

He is one of the great Korean comedians. He is very famous in Korea. He's popular program is '무한도전' and 'Running man'  that's very funny . He is very kind and lots of fun. He is 
very nice person, gentle and polite.
 So all of Korean love him so much. 

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