2013년 8월 15일 목요일

Hanji, a traditional paper of Korea.


 Hanji, a traditional Paper of Korea.

                                                                                                                         10122 Jang Hyun Jeong.

Picture of Hanji.

1. Introduction of Hanji.

;  Hanji ( "Han" means the Korean people and "ji" refers to paper.), a paper made by paper mulberry, has become generally known from old times. Hanji has divided depending on colors, sizes, producing areas, etc. According to these divisions, there are about 200 kinds of Hanji. We usually use this paper for write letters, or paintings. Also, we have developed  creative craft skills. Based on these skills, we use Hanji as daily supplies like fan, etc.

2.  Goods, made by Hanji.

                                        (A fan made by Hanji.)


                  (A lamp made by Hanji)


                                 (A lamp made by Hanji)



 3. The Won Ju Hanji Festival

Won Ju Hanji Festival
(2013. 9.5 ~ 2013.9.9)
There will be a Won Ju Hanji Festival on September 5th to September 9th.You can enjoy a puppet show (puppets that made of Hanji of course), a fashion show (dress made by Hanji),  see prize-winning works (The arts that expressed by Hanji.).
 In addition, you can make things that made by Hanji by yourself.
I'm sure that you'll never regret if you come to this festival!! :) Don't miss this chance~



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